Theology of Baptism

Both Scripture and Tradition affirm that baptism – by which we die with Christ who died for us, rise with Christ who rose for us, and “put on Christ” – is, for us, the only way that we can “attain” remission of original sin, attain righteousness before God, and thereby enjoy eternal life. The means of accomplishing all of this, which is nothing less than the death and resurrection of God Himself, is God’s ultimate act of divine love and compassion.

By being baptized and thereby attaining Adam and Eve’s original righteousness, baptized human beings are (1) configured to Christ, (2) receive through the Holy Spirit supernatural gifts of grace, and (3) enter into communion with Christ’s Church, which is a communion that reflects the perfect communion that exists between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

As the sacramental gateway to all of the other Sacraments, baptism enables human beings to participate in the other Sacraments, which collectively strengthen the communion between God and all baptized persons who, by having become sons and daughters of God through baptism, comprise the Church through Jesus Christ.

As God’s sons and daughters, baptized persons participate in the common priesthood of Jesus Christ and thereby become Christ’s disciples. Hence, there exists at the moment of each person’s baptism a tremendous responsibility on their part to live a Christ-centered life, which necessarily means that a baptized person, throughout his or her entire lifetime, will develop and then exercise more or less imperfectly the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit that he or she received at baptism. For an infant or small child who is baptized, this responsibility devolves to its parents who promise to raise, with the assistance of its godparents, the newly baptized child in the Christian faith.

Arranging a Baptism

Baptisms for children who are under the age of 7 of English-speaking families occur on the first Sunday of each month at 2:30 PM. Baptisms for children who are under the age of 7 of Spanish-speaking families occur on the second Sunday of each month at 2:30 PM. Please call the rectory at (617) 782-5774 for more details and to make arrangements; instruction for parents and godparents is required.

Baptisms for children who are older than the age of 7 and adults can be arranged by calling the rectory.

Adults who are seeking baptism are encouraged to enroll in St. Columbkille’s Rite of Christian Initiation program. View the RCIA page for more information.

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